NYMAGIC Appoints 2 Senior Officers

NYMAGIC appointed Tim McAndrew and Ed Skoch to senior executive positions within its Mutual Marine Office Inc. subsidiary.

McAndrew has been appointed executive vice president and chief underwriting officer – Ocean Marine. He has over 28 years of experience in the insurance industry, and he has been working in the marine insurance industry since 1983. McAndrew joined the company as a marine underwriter in 1989 and has expanded his role and responsibilities with the company over the years. His most recent title was senior vice president and manager of the Marine and Energy Division. Prior to joining the Company, Tim held positions with Allstate, Navigators and Highlands Insurance Companies.

Skoch has been appointed executive vice president and chief underwriting officer – Other Liabilities and Inland Marine/Fire. Skoch has over 17 years of experience in the insurance industry. He joined the company in 2001. Most recently, he was senior vice president and manager of the Professional Liability and Excess Workers’ Compensation Division, a position he has held for the past four years. Previously, Skoch managed excess workers’ compensation underwriting and co-managed professional liability underwriting beginning in 2003. Before that, he managed large casualty and professional liability claims. Prior to joining the company, Skoch worked in a variety of positions for insurance carriers as a claims adjuster, defense counsel and coverage counsel.