Western World Insurance Announces Management Moves

New Jersey-based Western World Insurance Group has announced three management changes.

Thomas F. Mulligan has been promoted to president and chief executive officer from executive vice president of underwriting and marketing. Mulligan replaces Andrew S. Frazier who retired at the end of 2009. Mulligan joined Western World in 1981 and was named an officer of the company in 1983.

Mulligan serves on the National Association of Professional Surplus Lines Offices Ltd. board of directors and co-chairs its legislative committee. He also serves on the Surplus Lines Advisory Board of the New Jersey Property Liability Insurance Guaranty Association.

Robert J. Livingston has been promoted to executive vice president, chief operating officer and chief financial officer, from executive vice president. Livingston joined Western World in 1977 and first became an officer of the company in 1980 when he was elected assistant treasurer.

Livingston is an active participant in the Property Casualty Insurers Association of America (PCI). He serves on two PCI committees: the Finance Issues Committee and the Reinsurance Subcommittee.

In addition to the promotions, Western World has named James DeSimone to the newly created position of senior vice president of brokerage. Prior to joining Western World, DeSimone was a senior vice president at Zurich North America for 15 years, with another 15 years of E&S Lines experience prior to joining Zurich.

The privately held Western World Insurance Group specializes in commercial general liability, professional liability and commercial auto insurance coverages.


Source: Western World Insurance Group