PIANY Elects Chiapperino as President

Donna Chiapperino has been elected president of The Professional Insurance Agents of New York (PIANY), one of eight new officers elected for the group.

Chiapperino, serves director of marketing for Jimcor Agencies in Montvale.

Rich Savino was named president-elect. He is partner, president and chief executive officer of Warwick Resource Group.

Michael Skeele was elected first vice president. He is president of Skeele Agency in DeRuyter.

Alan Plafker was elected vice president. He is president and CEO of Member Brokerage Service in Briarwood.

Eugene Sandy was elected vice president. He is director of marketing for the Millennium Alliance Group in Syosset.

John Parsons II was elected treasurer. He is vice president of Parsons and Associates Inc. in Syracuse.

Tony Kubera was elected secretary. He is director of business development for Russell Bond & Co. Inc. in Buffalo.

Kevin Ryan will serve as immediate past president. He is president and chief executive officer of The Valley Group Inc. in Kingston.


Source: PIANY