Virginia House Overrides Veto of MedMal Cap

By a lopsided margin, the Republican-ruled Virginia House of Delegates has rejected Republican Gov. Bob McDonnell’s veto of a bill that would boost the limit on court awards on medical malpractice lawsuits.

McDonnell vetoed the bill that represented a compromise among some of Virginia’s most potent lobbies — doctors, insurers and defense lawyers — and strong bipartisan support in the House and Senate.

And the support held in a 93-7 House override vote Wednesday in the General Assembly’s single-day session to consider McDonnell’s vetoes and amendments.

By restricting the increase in the maximum malpractice judgment from $2 million to $3 million, supporters say insurers get the predictability they need, and consumers get a fairer shake in egregious cases.

McDonnell said the increase would drive up already high medical insurance premiums.