Delaware Governor Vetoes Helmet Law Repeal

Delaware Gov. Jack Markell has vetoed a bill that would have repealed the state’s current requirement that people operating a motorcycle carry a safety helmet.

Delaware law requires that motorcyclists have a safety helmet with them while riding, although it does not mandate that they wear it.

Markell vetoed House Bill 95, saying the helmet requirement saves lives.

“Repealing a law that for more than 30 years has helped promote the use of helmets that have saved numerous lives is not something that I believe is in the best interest of our state,” said Markell. “Our law encourages riders to use the helmets they are required to carry. The law may be imperfect, but it sends a signal – wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle is something we value as a community.”

He said he is prepared to sit down with proponents of the bill and others to discuss how the state can make our roads safer for motorcyclists, including a discussion of education, training, enforcement and a mandatory helmet requirement.