Not Enough Drivers Realize Dangers of Drowsy Driving, Insurer Says

Drunk driving, impaired driving and distracted driving stories frequently make news headlines, but what about drowsy driving?

According to the National Sleep Foundation, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety estimates that about one in six deadly crashes involve a drowsy driver. What’s more, the National Sleep Foundation’s 2011 Sleep in America poll found that about one in ten 16-45 year old drivers report driving drowsy once or twice a week.

“Drowsy driving occurs frequently with drivers working long hours and being tired on the road, and people don’t tend to think about or recognize it as a potential danger,” said Gerry Wilson, CEO of Plymouth Rock Management Company of New Jersey.

“We want everyone to be aware of the impact that drowsy driving can have – on our customers, our employees and all New Jersey drivers,” said Wilson, whose company took part this month in Drowsy Driving Prevention Week, a national awareness initiative designed to educate drivers about the dangers of driving while drowsy.

Many programs and campaigns advocate for the prevention of drowsy driving, as well as local sleep study organizations and clinics such as The National Sleep Foundation and the International Sleep Network.

Wilson from Plymouth Rock Management Company says the insurance industry can help improve safety on the road by helping to educate the public about drowsy driving, its risks and ways to prevent it from happening.