Lockton Hires Benefits Services Consultant in Washington, D.C.

Lockton Benefit Group of Lockton Companies appointed Nicholas Dobelbower as senior consultant for its international benefits services practice. Based in Washington, D.C., he will provide international employee benefits guidance to clients.

Dobelbower is responsible for strategic international benefits consulting and development of relationships with Lockton’s clients and affiliates. He will also help support Lockton’s sales professionals.

He is licensed in health, life, and accident insurance, and brings consulting and research experience to his new position. Prior to joining Lockton, he worked with IBIS Advisors, providing global benefits management of cross-border and local pension, life, disability and health plans, from design through marketing, placement, renewal, and support stages.

Lockton Companies is a Kansas City, Mo.-headquartered insurance broker. Founded in 1966, Lockton has more than 4100 employees and 58 offices around the world. It projects $800 million in overall revenues for 2011.