Call to End NYC Carriage Horse Rides Renewed After SUV Crash Incident

A renewed push is under way in New York City to ban horse-drawn carriages after a horse was recently injured in an accident with an SUV.

Supporters of a ban say they have over 121,000 signatures of support.
Carriage rides through Central Park are a staple of city tourism, but for years now, state Sen. Tony Avella has been pushing for legislation to ban the industry. He and other activists rallied outside the park last Saturday.

They say city streets aren’t safe for the sensitive animals.

Carriage owner Ian McKeever disagrees. He says the horses that clip-clop through the park are “the best kept in the country.”

Canadian tourist Fran Hill says she thinks the carriages are part of New York’s charm and should be allowed to continue operating. Supporters of a ban say they have gathered more than 121,000 signatures of support.