Connecticut Launches New Online Access to Carrier Filings

Connecticut Insurance Commissioner Thomas B. Leonardi announced that his insurance department has launched an online site for more convenient access to the rate and form documents that insurance companies file with the department.

“With the technology we live with now and use each and every day it makes sense to provide another online public tool for information-gathering,” Leonardi said. “The department has been committed to transparency and has many public regulatory documents easily accessible through our website,” he said.

The department developed the new site by working with the System for Electronic Rate and Form Filing or SERFF, the primary interface developed by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) that insurance companies use for their regulatory filings.

Connecticut filings from health insurance carriers and property/casualty companies are both available through the site at no cost. Previously public access of these filings was through a dedicated database computer at the department in Hartford.

While more than 30 states require the insurance companies to use the SERFF system for product, form and rate filings, Connecticut is one of 15 states to date that provide the online access to it.

In the past, the public were required to come to the department to view/print such filings. To access the new online tool, users can visit the department’s website and click on the “Form Filings” link on the right side of the web page. Users can then choose a search for either health or property/casualty filings.

Public access to Connecticut health insurance rate filings, enforcement actions, financial examination of companies and complaint data is already available through the department’s website. Consumers can also access the insurance department information, such as consumer complaints and financial reports, through the Connecticut Open Data portal.

Source: Connecticut Insurance Department