Amica CEO DiMuccio Receives NAACP Award in Rhode Island

Amica Mutual Insurance Co. in Lincoln, Rhode Island, announced that Robert A. DiMuccio, chairman, president and chief executive officer of Amica Mutual, was honored with the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Award at the NAACP Providence Branch Freedom Fund Dinner, held on Oct. 24 at the Providence Marriott.

Amica Mutual said the award is in recognition of commitment and dedication to overcoming obstacles that face the community, particularly those affecting African-Americans and other minorities. DiMuccio accepted the award on behalf of all Amica employees.

“This award is named after an amazing human being, someone who faced many obstacles in his life. But it is his powerful words and positive actions that we remember, that we can never forget,” said DiMuccio.

The NAACP is the oldest and largest civil rights organization in America. The Providence Branch has been in place for more than a century.

Amica Mutual Insurance Co., the nation’s oldest mutual insurer of automobiles, was founded in 1907. The company is a national writer of auto, home, marine and umbrella insurance.