Maine Highlights New State Law to Protect Rideshare Drivers, Passengers

Maine Insurance Superintendent Eric Cioppa is highlighting a new Maine law, the Transportation Network Company Insurance Act, emphasizing that it will help to protect passengers, pedestrians and other motorists from losses in accidents involving Transportation Network Company (TNC) drivers.

The legislation (LD 1379) became law June 30, as part of Public Law 2015 Chapter 279. One TNC, Uber, began operating in southern Maine last year.

“Carrying passengers for a fee is commercial activity, and most personal automobile insurance policies do not cover commercial activities,” Cioppa said in an announcement. “The new law addresses this gap and specifies the coverage requirements from the time a TNC driver logs into the company’s digital network and while a passenger is in the vehicle.”

The new law requires:

The Maine Bureau of Insurance says TNC drivers should keep in mind that these coverages are liability coverages. They do not cover damage to a driver’s vehicle or the driver’s personal injury or death.

TNC drivers and those thinking of becoming TNC drivers should also consider these points:

“A driver for a TNC who does not have the proper coverage is at considerable personal risk,” Cioppa said. “Anyone driving for Uber or a similar company in Maine, or considering doing so, should contact his or her insurance agent or company to understand what is required to comply with Maine’s financial responsibility law.”

The Maine Bureau of Insurance said individuals are welcome to call the Bureau’s Property and Casualty Division at 800-300-5000 with questions about the new law and their existing policies. Individuals with questions about obtaining a permit to drive for a TNC may contact the Maine Secretary of State’s Office at 207-626-8400.

Source: The Maine Bureau of Insurance