Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner Warns Flood Victims About Repair Scams

Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner Teresa Miller is urging homeowners whose properties suffered damage in the recent flooding that hit several North Central Pennsylvania counties to be cautious of scams when seeking repairs.

She has also offered advice for homeowners to properly file claims with their insurers and avoid being the victim of a home repair scam, according to a press release issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Insurance.

“The days following a disaster such as a flood are stressful and can be overwhelming,” Commissioner Miller said in the release. “Filing a claim for property damage can be confusing, especially if you have never done it before.”

She reminded homeowners that flood damage is not covered by typical homeowners’ policies, so in most cases, residents will need to have flood insurance to get coverage. Natural disasters, however, can attract scammers and others who are looking to take advantage of people in distress, she added, so it is important for residents to be wary of anyone offering to do home repairs or help file a claim with an insurer.

“Always ask questions if you don’t understand anything your insurance company representative tells you,” Commissioner Miller said. “This is your home and property, so ask as many questions as you need until you feel comfortable you have a handle on the situation.”

Under Pennsylvania law, public adjusters are licensed and regulated to act as professional claims handlers, she said. Public adjusters are employed by policyholders to assist with the insurance claims process.

“Always make sure to ask anyone claiming to be a public adjuster for his licensing information,” Commissioner Miller said.

When repairs begin, consumers also need to make sure they are working with a reputable contractor that is appropriately insured and bonded, she said. Home improvement contractors who do more than $5,000 of business per year in Pennsylvania must register with the Attorney General’s Bureau of Consumer Protection. Consumers should ask contractors for their Home Improvement Contractor (HIC) number and verify the contractor is registered by calling the Office of Attorney General Home Improvement Registration hotline.

“It’s a good idea to check references and licensure on any contractor you are thinking of hiring, and to get more than one estimate for the work if possible,” Commissioner Miller said. “Make sure you get all estimates in writing, including the total cost for the repairs, the work to be done, the timetable for completion, and any guarantees the contractor may offer. Recovering from flooding is difficult and stressful.”

She offered the following additional tips:

Source: Pennsylvania Department of Insurance