Pennsylvania Insurance Department Becomes Partner in PA Forward Initiative

Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner Teresa Miller recently joined with leaders of the Pennsylvania Library Association and the York County Library System to announce a partnership to provide consumer information on insurance issues to Pennsylvanians at libraries throughout the state.

“I am pleased the Pennsylvania Insurance Department is becoming a partner with the Pennsylvania Library Association, and specifically with the association’s PA Forward initiative, to make important information available on issues such as flood insurance, annuities, renters’, homeowner’s, health and auto insurance, at hundreds of locations throughout the state,” Commissioner Miller said in a statement announcing the partnership at Martin Memorial Library in York, Penn.

As part of the agreement, the Insurance Department and PA Forward will provide links to each other’s websites, as well as information on each organization’s ongoing efforts to serve the public in communities throughout Pennsylvania.

Specifically, the Insurance Department will work with the Pennsylvania Library Association to conduct public information sessions on various insurance topics to help improve the financial literacy of Pennsylvania citizens. This initiative began Monday with Commissioner Miller presenting Insurance 101, an interactive lesson on auto insurance developed jointly by the Pennsylvania Insurance Department and National Association of Insurance Commissioners, to high school students from the Helen Thackston Charter School in York.

Pennsylvania Commissioner Teresa Miller

“Insurance 101 is a perfect example of Governor Wolf’s initiative to improve the financial education of Pennsylvanians so they can better understand how to get the most from their money, in this case by helping high school students learn more about how auto insurance works and what actions they can take to help control those costs,” Commissioner Miller said in a press release issued by the Pennsylvania Insurance Department.

Libraries can help ensure that young people in Pennsylvania are equipped with the necessary basic skills in financial matters to become confident and informed consumers, said Robert Lambert, President of York County Libraries, in the release. This partnership is expected to provide youth with the knowledge, resources and skills to be able to secure and improve their financial wellbeing, he added.

“Being part of PA Forward gives us access to 629 outlets run by Pennsylvania’s 456 public libraries, which serve 6 million people each year,” Commissioner Miller said in the release. “Libraries have long been a source of important information for residents of our state, and this association with the Insurance Department will continue that tradition.”

The Insurance Department is now part of the PA Library Association Financial Literacy Team and will provide resources to libraries throughout the state. This includes conducting programs on various insurance topics for members of the communities served by various libraries in Pennsylvania.

“Libraries are central hubs for community activities, events and learning,” said Carrie Turner, Pennsylvania Library Association President, in the release. “They are more than books, more than places to research school reports, more than pre-school story times and they are more important than ever.”

Source: Pennsylvania Insurance Department