New York Senate Joins Assembly in Shuttering Auto Insurance Photo Mandate

The New York State Senate has passed a measure (S.6028) that seeks to eliminate the photo inspection requirement for drivers wanting to buy comprehensive and collision auto insurance coverage.

The Assembly approved a matching bill in March and the legislation now goes to Gov. Kathy Hochul.

If enacted into law, the act will take effect on January 1, 2023 and apply to all auto insurance policies issued, renewed, altered or modified on or after that date.

Under the bill, insurance providers would retain the option to continue requiring the photos if they want.

Supporters of ending the mandate, including the Big I insurance agents organization, contend that the requirement, originally enacted in the late 1970s, is no longer necessary.

“For too long, the car insurance photo inspection mandate has been a burden and an inconvenience for both insurance agents and our customers. Modern solutions for combatting fraud have made the regulation unnecessary and obsolete,” Nick Masterpole, Big I New York chair of the board and partner at Masterpole Murphy Insurance Agency.

The legislation was sponsored by Assemblyman Ken Zebrowski (D) and Senator Neil Breslin (D) and cosponsored by nine Democrats and six Republicans.

The New York Insurance Association, the National Federation of Independent Business-New York, Associated General Contractors of New York State and The Business Council of New York State were among the other groups supporting the bill, which has been dubbed the Auto Insurance Consumer Relief Act.

Opponents of ending the photo mandate argued that the requirement helps prevent fraud and lower rates for policyholders.