Lawsuits Loom For Mobile Phones

The controversy over whether mobile telephones cause brain damage, particularly tumors, may be about to enter the legal arena. Media reports indicate that Baltimore lawyer, and Orioles owner, Peter Angelos plans to file a series of claims against mobile phone companies for compensation.

Angelos’ law firm, which employs over 100 attorneys in 13 offices, recently won a $4.2 billion settlement on behalf of the State of Maryland against the tobacco industry. The State is contesting his $1 billion fee.

According to a BBC report the lawsuits will be filed in California, Kentucky and Maryland against the manufacturers and providers of mobile phones on the legal theory that they knew that the equipment posed a threat to customers health.

Although studies about whether or not mobile phones actually do cause brain damage have been largely inconclusive, the insurance industry should prepare to defend against claims like Angelos. If they are eventually upheld, there could be substantial damage awards as well.