ING Launches U.S. Ad Campaign

ING Americas, the U.S. subsidiary of Holland’s ING Group, is launching a multi-million dollar ad campaign to make its name, which the company stresses should be enunciated I-N-G, not “ing,” as familiar in the U.S. as it is in Europe and elsewhere.

Embracing such a high profile (and expensive) strategy highlights the importance ING places on building its market share in financial services in the U.S., following its acquisition last year of ReliaStar and Aetna’s financial and international business, and the launch of its on-line bank ING Direct. “We have financial size and strength, a significant presence in all our chosen markets, product depth and breadth, multiple distribution channels, and outstanding people. Now its time to tell our story and connect with American consumers,” stated R. Glenn Hilliard, Chairman and CEO of ING Americas.

The campaign will run through the end of the end of the year, and “targets the middle-income and emerging affluent consumer markets through a series of high profile print advertisements in national business and consumer news papers and magazines… as well as 30-second broadcast commercial on network and cable TV programs, such as “‘West Wing’ and ‘Friends.'”

The move not only reflects the importance of the U.S. market, but also highlights the increasing role global branding plays in corporate strategy. “An essential component of ING’s overall strategy is to create a brand that resonates with all of its key stakeholders, including: 12,000-plus employees, more than 12 million individual customers, in excess of 20,000 institutional and group customers and more than 10,500 financial advisors and independent agents,” said the announcement.