Irish Insurer to Use IIABA’S Best Practices Program

Ireland’s Hibernian General Insurance, the country’s largest p/c insurer, has entered into an exclusive two-year agreement to license and distribute two of the IIABA’s “Best Practices” tools to Ireland’s estimated 1,000 brokers.

The program “provides independent agents and brokers with an abundance of useful information and valuable tools to help improve agency performance and encourage dialogue and interaction with carriers on a variety of vital agency-management issues,” said the bulletin.

“We are extremely pleased that our Best Practices program has attracted international interest and that Hibernian will be providing our tools to help brokers throughout Ireland reach their fullest potential,” stated Madelyn Flannagan, IIABA vice president of education and research. “Best Practices products help agents and brokers better understand the past, analyze the present and formulate a strategy for the future. The success of these tools has now transcended our national borders to guide agents and brokers worldwide to prosperity and profits.”

Hibernian will provide its brokers with the IIABA’s “Joint Planning Tool Quick Step” and the “Self Diagnostic Tool Quick Check.” Conor McCarthy, Hibernian’s broker marketing manager stated that “We are delighted to be associated with the IIABA in the provision of the joint broker-company planning tool for use by general insurance brokers in Ireland.” He indicated that, “the joint planning tool when fully operational will result in more effective planning between Hibernian and our brokers, thus eliminating unproductive effort, reducing costs and strengthening relationships.”