Transamerica Re Names New Manager for Taiwan Office

Transamerica Reinsurance announced that Jung-Hui (Jeffrey) Huang has been hired as Country Manager for Taiwan. He is responsible for business development in the country and oversees operations in the Reinsurance Service Center in Taipei.

The bulletin described Huang as a native of Taiwan, who “has 32 years of actuarial experience in life insurance, including 30 years of management experience, working for one of Taiwan’s largest local life insurance companies. During that time, he served three years as the chairman of the Actuarial Institute of the Republic of China (AIRC). In addition to being a Fellow of the AIRC, he is a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries of Japan. Jeffrey earned a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from the National Taiwan Normal University.”

“Jeffrey brings valuable expertise to Transamerica Reinsurance,” stated Harald Braun, Managing Director of Transamerica Reinsurance’s Asia Pacific region. “His extensive knowledge about the broad Asia Pacific market and his experience in Taiwan specifically will help us immeasurably to provide responsive, ongoing customer support to our Taiwanese customers and to bring new products to this market. He is an excellent complement to our highly experienced Asia Pacific management team based in Hong Kong and our other regional offices in Japan and Korea.”