Australian ‘Sex Toy’ Alert Shuts Airport

A report from Reuters News Agency demonstrates just how seriously airport security is being taken in Australia. It seems a “humming sex toy,” discreetly described by the Australian Security Services as an “adult novelty device,” shut down the airport in Mackay, 500 miles north of Brisbane in tropical Queensland state, for over an hour.

According to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s radio service, airport staff heard a “strange noise” coming from a garbage bin. Cafeteria manager Lynne Bryant, reportedly disconcerted by the “furiously humming rubbish bin,” alerted police, who closed the facility while they investigated.

They were on the point of calling in bomb experts when an unidentified passenger came forward to identify the contents of a package left in the bin. Seems he hadn’t wanted to return home with the offending device, which, from the reports, wasn’t abandoned because it failed to function properly – on the contrary.