Radian Names MacDonald VP of International Public Finance Group

Radian Asset Assurance Inc., a leading provider of municipal bond insurance and financial guaranty services, announced that Iain MacDonald has agreed to join the company as VP-International Public Finance in its growing European operation based in London.

His “position reflects Radian’s continued focus on and commitment to the European market,” said the announcement. MacDonald’s responsibilities will include: “sourcing, structuring, and analyzing international public finance transactions to which Radian can offer credit enhancement services,” the bulletin continued. “Throughout the U.K., the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) and other Public/Private Partnerships (PPP) are typically programs in which public authorities commission private enterprise through a formal tendering process to design, build, finance and operate new facilities that provide a public service.”

Radian said MacDonald, a senior director in infrastructure finance with one of the leading project and public finance banks in London, “will bring to Radian a comprehensive background in corporate finance in the U.K. and Europe.” He is expected to take up his new position with Radian as early as July.

“Iain is a valuable addition to our growing financial guaranty team,” commented Tino Kamarck, president, Radian Asset Assurance Inc. “His proven success in structured finance and vast experience in a variety of industry sectors – including healthcare, education, and housing – will enable us to pursue successful opportunities in the burgeoning PFI/PPP market in the U.K. and the rest of Europe.”