FINEOS Named ICT ‘Vendor of the Year’

Ireland’s FINEOS Corporation, a provider of banking and insurance software, announced that Ireland’s information and communications technology (ICT) industry has named the company as “Vendor/Manufacturer of the Year” at the ICT Excellence Awards 2005.

The award was presented to FINEOS at a gala evening in the Burlington Hotel, Dublin on April 13. “This prestigious accolade is awarded to the Irish ICT vendor/manufacturer who demonstrated outstanding success in the previous twelve months,” said the announcement. “FINEOS was named overall winner because of its impressive international performance in developing new business in markets such as Australia, New Zealand and Canada, and for increasing its market share in the highly competitive U.S. market.”

Commenting on the award, FINEOs CEO Michael Kelly stated: “FINEOS is delighted to have been chosen for this award. This is yet another great vote of confidence in our company as we continue to expand into our overseas markets. We have achieved exceptional growth and success over the last year, breaking into several new markets, and I’m sure this tribute will further support the FINEOS brand in competing successfully against some of the world’s largest software companies.”

The bulletin noted that the award has been presented for the last four years, and has already become an “established landmark in Ireland’s Information and Communications Technology industry. They are hosted annually to acknowledge and celebrate the high achievers in the industry.”