RIMS Sets Nov. Bermuda Symposium

The Risk and Insurance Management Society Inc. (RIMS) will hold a three-day Bermuda Market Symposium, Nov. 16-18, 2005, near Hamilton, in Bermuda.

Located at the offices of XL Capital Ltd and ACE Ltd., this event presents networking opportunities and an extensive spectrum of education, from the basics of entering the market through more complex topics of captives, casualty, liability, property, and reinsurance.

“Bermuda is one of the largest, fastest-growing, and most divergent markets for insurance and reinsurance,” said Karl Zimmel, director of Risk Management, Alberto-Culver Company and the chairman of the Symposium’s Program Advisory Committee.

Some of the sessions include: “How Industry is Regulated,” “In A Current Soft Property Market…What Can Bermuda Do For You?,” “General Liability: Not Just a CAT Player,” “D&O – Plenty of Capacity in Bermuda,” “Executive Risk Exposures: Bermuda Has it Covered,” “Reinsurance: Capacity and Capabilities,” and “Unique Coverages.”

Invited to attend are Alex Scott, Bermuda’s Premier, the Hon. Paula Cox, J. P., M. P. Minister of Finance, and Brian O’Hara, president and CEO, XL Capital Ltd and chairman, XL Insurance (Bermuda) Ltd.

Speakers include: Representatives from the Bermuda Monetary Authority; Daniel Kugler, assistant treasurer, Snap-On Inc.; Joseph Restoule, senior risk consultant, NOVA Chemicals Corporation; Sherron Williams, senior vice president and manager, XL Insurance (Bermuda) Ltd; Patrick Tannock, senior vice president and Professional Lines manager, ACE Bermuda Insurance Ltd. and deputy chairman and chief underwriting officer, Corporate Officers and Directors Assurance Ltd. (CODA); David Bell, senior vice president, Global Professional Lines Manager, Allied World Assurance Company Ltd.

The third and final day of the symposium, titled “Risk Management and the Bermuda Market: Explore the Possibilities,” is an Open Market Day for participants to meet one-on-one and conduct business with key players in the Bermuda Market. Open Market Day is a forum to create a network of marketplace contacts, discuss specific issues, and ask questions pertaining to particular organizations.

An “early bird discount” is being offered through Sept. 2, $495 for RIMS members, and $795 for non-members. To register, go to http://www.RIMS.org/symposiums. For more information contact: Bermuda@rims.org or (212) 655-6031.