Guy Carp Makes Europe, Asia Pacific Executive Changes

Guy Carpenter & Company, LLC has announced a number of key executive appointments to its European and Asia Pacific broking operations.

Nick Frankland, formerly CEO of UK Operations, has been appointed to the newly created role of CEO of European Operations, responsible for Guy Carpenter’s broking operations across both Continental Europe and the UK.

Andrew Marcell will continue in his role as CEO of Continental European Operations, alongside his new responsibilities as Global Business Development Leader, and will report to Frankland.

Mark Hewett has been named Chairman of UK Operations.

Guy Carpenter President and CEO David Spiller said he was looking forward to “working closely” with the three men to “provide outstanding leadership in integrating our broking operations across the region and delivering superior solutions to our clients.”

In addition to the changes in Europe, Guy Carpenter announced several organizational changes within the Asia Pacific region: “Effective May 1, 2008, James Nash will assume the role of CEO of Asia Pacific Operations from Martin Burrough, who will retire from Guy Carpenter on December 1, 2008, following 16 years of service. Nash will remain based in Guy Carpenter’s Tokyo office, while Mr. Burrough will continue to play a key role in the region as Chairman of Asia Pacific Operations, based in Hong Kong.

Spiller noted that Burrough has “been a strong leader during his tenure with the firm and will be a great resource to James as he transitions into his new role. Through our strong Asia Pacific management team, we will continue to execute our global strategic plan and build our presence in the region to position Guy Carpenter as the premier risk and reinsurance intermediary.”

Source: Guy Carpenter –