Lister Joins AXIS Capital Board

Bermuda-based AXIS Capital Holdings Limited announced that Cheryl-Ann Lister has been appointed to its Board as an independent director. She will serve as a Class II Director and as a member of the Audit Committee of the Board.

Lister currently serves as a consultant to the Bermuda Ministry of Justice on matters relating to Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism financing. From 1999 through 2006, she served in both the Chairman and CEO roles at the Bermuda Monetary Authority, which is responsible for regulating and supervising financial institutions in Bermuda.

Lister began her career in 1980 at the Bank of N. T. Butterfield & Son Limited as the manager of the investment department at Bermuda Commercial Bank in 1987. In 1992, she joined EBT Securities Limited, a privately held international investment trading company and ultimately served as Managing Director of the company with responsibilities for the Bermuda and Brazil operations. She was also a founding member and President of the Bermuda Society of Financial Analysts, and has served as a Governor for the Association of Investment Management and Research (now the CFA Institute). In addition, she served as the President of the International Society of Financial Analysts.

AXIS Chairman Michael Butt expressed the Company’s pleasure at having Lister as a board member, indicating that she “brings a wealth of experience as a distinguished investment professional and a regulator.”

Source: AXIS Capital –