Markel Appoints Nilsson Claims Manager for Sweden

Markel International Limited, the specialty property and casualty insurer, has appointed Tomas Nilsson as claims manager for Markel International Sweden. He will be based in Markel’s Stockholm office.

Ove Staaf, managing director of Markel International Sweden noted that Nilsson has “nearly 20 years of international claims experience, nine of which have been in claims management.” He indicated that Nilsson’s “breadth and in-depth knowledge, particularly in marine, will enhance Markel’s claims handling capability here in Sweden.”

Richard Fricker, director of overseas offices also commented “We are pleased to have Tomas on board and look forward to building on our commitment to the Nordic markets and growing our insurance capabilities in the region”.

Nilsson joins Markel after five years as Marine Claims Manager at the Stockholm branch of Inter Hannover, where he was responsible for the handling and settling of all claims related to the Marine Department, including Hull, Cargo and Political risks. He was previously Marine Claims Manager at AIG Europe SA in Stockholm. He has extensive qualifications from The Swedish Institute for Insurance Education in Stockholm and Gothenburg, including two diplomas in underwriting property insurance and property claims handling.

Markel International Limited is the international division of the U.S. Markel Corporation, based in London. The bulletin noted that the operation, which specializes in property/casualty coverage “wrote gross premiums in 2007 of $693 million. It has five operating divisions writing business either through Markel Syndicate 3000 or through Markel International Insurance Company Limited.”

Source: Markel International –