Willis Names Larsson Sweden CEO

Willis Group Holdings announced that Staffan Larsson has been appointed chief executive officer of its operations in Sweden, based in Stockholm.

He was formerly a member of the Willis Sweden management team and head of Business Strategy and Development, and will report to Adam Garrard, CEO, Willis Continental Europe. Christian Steenstrup remains Chairman of Willis Sweden.

“Larsson has 35 years of experience in the Swedish insurance industry, the last 10 of which he has spent with Willis,” said the announcement. “Prior to that, he worked for Marsh and earlier for the Swedish insurance brokers, the Max Matthiessen Group.”

Willis entered the Swedish market in 1991 and has established offices in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Orebro, Karlstad and Malmoe. Since then, Willis has built up a strong business in the Swedish Major Account, Energy, Aerospace and Affinity sectors.

Source: Willis Group Holdings – www.willis.com