Guy Carpenter Report Updates European Legal, Legislative Changes

Guy Carpenter & Company, LLC has published its annual update on legislative and legal developments affecting insurers and reinsurers in Continental Europe. The report – available at: – “addresses the implications of the ongoing global financial crisis and highlights key trends, laws, and reforms that have been introduced or are expected in the region.”

Guy Carp produced the report with the insurance practice of law firm, Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek. It indicates “that both the European Union (EU) and national parliaments continue to revise and institute laws to align insurance law throughout the EU, increase corporate responsibility and protect policyholders,” said the bulletin.

The report details the latest legislative and legal developments in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.”

It set out the “latest developments in insurance legislation, from mandatory self-insured deductibles in D&O insurance in Germany, to the rights of direct access against liability insurers in Switzerland,” noted David Lewin, Managing Director, Guy Carpenter & Co.

“Of particular interest are the findings of the Rome II study, which highlight the variations of compensation levels and claims limitation periods across EU countries,” he added.

Lewin also indicated the Rome study “will likely have a significant impact on the final content of the 6th EU Motor Liability Insurance Directive.”

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Source: Guy Carpenter –