‘Green Energy Systems’ Now ‘Essential’ Says Lloyd’s

“Green energy systems are no longer just ‘nice to have,’ but are essential in securing our energy supply and protecting the environment,” according to a new report from Lloyd’s 360 Risk Insight and UK think tank Chatham House, entitled: Sustainable Energy Security: Strategic Risks and Opportunities for Business.

The overall findings led the report’s authors to conclude that “we face an era of uncertainty and volatility in our energy supply. Price spikes and supply disruptions will become more frequent due to rising consumption, insufficient investment, and threats to installations and transport.”

According to the report’s authors, this situation is due primarily to the present reliance on fossil fuels, which is “pushing the search for reserves into more difficult and risky territories as declining production from ‘easy’ oil reserves combines with rising demand from developing economies; an example being the current oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.” However, Lloyd’s also points out that the disaster “could spur on the transition to more cost-efficient clean and renewable energy systems.”

Richard Ward, Lloyd’s Chief Executive, stated: “The current generation of business leaders need to rethink their approach to energy risks or be left behind as energy becomes less reliable and more expensive. The environmental and economic cost of our reliance on fossil fuels is too high. We need a long-term plan to reduce consumption and diversify our energy sources.”

The reliance on fossil fuels creates a ripple effect, as the “cost and associated risks will push up the price of fuel at the pump and have a knock on effect on a wide range of commodities in the short to medium term such as wheat and steel,” Lloyd’s notes. “Combined with political pressure to reduce greenhouse gases and protect our environment this will force businesses to be more efficient consumers of energy and adopt clean and renewable technology.”

Bernice Lee, Research Director at Chatham House added: “Businesses across the board need to make a serious assessment of their vulnerability to change and volatility on the energy scene. There are huge opportunities as energy systems evolve to include users and increase resilience and efficiency. There is also the potential for heavy or even catastrophic financial and environmental losses.”

The costs and risks have spurred a push towards “greener energy.” The report notes that the “expected level of investment in renewables and clean energy” could rise to “$500 billion per year by 2050.” While this “holds tremendous opportunities for business,” there are still barriers.

The principle roadblock, according to the report, is “the lack of global agreement on carbon reduction,” which in turn is “inhibiting commitment and investments. Ultimately, this will make catching up or adapting to energy shortages much more expensive for all. The report calls on governments set clear policies and create certainty in the transition to a low carbon economy.”

The report also warns we need to prepare for a new set of risks as our energy system changes. Many renewable technology systems use rare materials and the increasing reliance on electricity and IT could raise vulnerability to cyber attacks. Businesses are advised to reassess global supply chains and increase the resilience of their operations.

The complete “360 Report” is available on the Lloyd’s web site at: http://www.lloyds.com/NR/rdonlyres/8A659FD3-EE54-4018-B345-0BD7A12C9049/0/360EnergySec.pdf

Source: Lloyd’s of London