UK’s Huber Dixon, Sterling Offer Renewable Energy Coverage

The UK’s Huber Dixon, in partnership with Sterling Insurance Group, are now providing renewable energy cover to their specialist household and commercial customer base.

The announcement explained that “Huber Dixon specializes in providing cover for individuals, firms and organizations involved in renewable technology, including wind, wave, solar, tide, anaerobic digestion, bio mass and hydropower. They are passionate in their beliefs around sustainable power sources and are committed to providing superior service and unique products to their chosen markets.”

The offerings with Sterling enable Huber Dixon’s commercial and individual clients, who have such renewable energy equipment at their place of business or their higher value homes, to obtain unique coverage.

The policy provides coverage for “breakdown of the equipment as well as the material loss or damage. Business Interruption and loss of income cover is also included as standard, should breakdown or damage occur.”

Rupert Dixon, managing Director of Huber Dixon, commented: “We have many years experience in this market and want to ensure that this venture offers the highest standards of quality in both the products and the service we provide. This policy is a modern and up-to-date insurance providing very attractive levels of cover to this important market segment.”

David Sweeney, director of personal and commercial lines at Sterling Insurance, added: “We are delighted to work with Huber Dixon, a broker totally committed to this vital market segment. It is because of Sterling’s flexibility that we can work with partners of this caliber, to produce innovative products backed up with the highest service levels.”

Source: Huber Dixon