CPCU Society Forms India Chapter

The CPCU Society has approved the formation of an India CPCU Society Chapter.

The India CPCU Society Chapter is the fifth international CPCU Society Chapter in addition to Bermuda, Europe, Japan and South Korea. The CPCU Society now has two chapters that fall within the Goldman Sachs BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) and MIST (Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea and Turkey) emerging market indices, as well as three chapters in the highly developed insurance markets of Bermuda, Europe and Japan.

“This initiative culminates months of hard work by CPCU Society staff, volunteers, CPCUs in India, and other insurance professionals based in India, who have been working with a singular focus to formally coalesce the growing CPCU community of India into a formal Chapter,” said Steve McElhiney, CPCU, president and chairman of the CPCU Society. “Given the growth and insurance penetration that is forecast in India, I envision a high degree of growth of CPCU designation holders and Society members for years to come. We eagerly welcome this new Chapter and look forward to their many contributions to the CPCU Society, to their operating companies, and to the industry as a whole.”

The CPCU Society is a community of credentialed insurance professionals who promote excellence through ethical behavior and continuing education. The Society’s nearly 25,000 India CPCU Society Chapter members hold the Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU)) designation.