Verisk Crime Analytics Launches Cargo Theft Prevention Systems in Canada

Verisk Crime Analytics has launched national information sharing systems designed to help Canadian insurers and their policyholders combat the growing problems of cargo and heavy equipment theft. Verisk Crime Analytics is a unit of Verisk Analytics, a source of information about risk.

The CargoNet and National Equipment Register (NER) divisions of Verisk Crime Analytics are already supported by a number of leading Canadian insurers and fleets. Canadian law enforcement agencies have also expressed strong interest in using these services to assist in cargo and equipment theft investigations.

CargoNet and NER help prevent theft and improve recovery rates through secure information sharing and collaboration among theft victims, their business partners, and law enforcement. Both resources are centered on secure national databases and information-sharing platforms managed by crime analysts and subject-matter experts. Analytical tools also allow the aggregate data to be analyzed to show and predict theft trends to support loss prevention and investigations. CargoNet and NER are supported in Canada by MSA Research, Inc.