Haynes Becomes ANV Syndicate 1861 Managing Director

ANV Holdings BV, the Dutch headquartered specialty insurance business founded by R. Matthew Fairfield, and owner of ANV Syndicate 1861, announced the appointment of Peter Haynes as the Managing Director for the Syndicate.

“At ANV, we remain fully committed to excellence in our underwriting and underwriting operations within all of our teams. Developing ANV’s presence within Lloyd’s continues to be a top priority and one of the three pillars for our ANV strategy,” Fairfield said; noting that Haynes “is the type of proven, innovative and determined executive we need within ANV to continue our growth and to deliver on our goals both in London and globally.”

Gerard van Loon Chief Underwriting Officer of ANV Group and Chairman of the ANV Syndicate said: “As a former CEO and CFO with extensive financial sector experience and a longtime member of the London Market, Peter is exactly the right person to enable the potential we see in ANV Syndicate. He was a key player in his capacity as a financial adviser when the team began its operations as ANV Syndicate and we welcome his continued leadership in this expanded Managing Director role.”

Source: ANV Holdings