Willis Connects US and Global Facultative Operations

Willis Group Holdings announced that its US facultative arm, Willis Facultative North America, has joined together with its global facultative operation, Faber Global.

“The addition of Willis Facultative North America to the Faber Global team will link expertise in the United States with that of its global operations for the benefit of all their respective clients,” the announcement said.

Alf Garner, CEO of Faber Global North America, commented: “Bringing together our teams will provide our North American clients with access to a broader depth of analytical and broking resources to provide solutions to the product, industry and geographical issues that they face on a daily basis.”

Jason Howard, CEO of Faber Global, added: “The global nature of our clients means they require access to global expertise, wherever they are based in the world. By joining these two operations together we are making it easier for our teams to deliver the very best of Faber Global to our clients anywhere in the world.”

Source: Willis Group Holdings