Dryad Maritime Intelligence Provider Names Askaroff as Chair

UK-based maritime intelligence provider, Dryad Maritime announced the appointment of Nik Askaroff as Chair, the first appointment of its type at the company.

He has “over 25 years’ experience of growing international businesses and is Chair and Non-Executive member of four other high growth companies,” said the announcement. He is also a qualified chartered accountant, and has served as a “Chief Executive of a listed company, president of the south eastern chartered accountants and a Business Link Chair.” He has also been the Chair of the south east innovation and growth team.

Dryad said the role of Chair “will involve advising and assisting shareholders and directors in the development of a robust corporate strategy. It will also cover corporate governance and culture, and the adoption of best practice within the organization. Askaroff will also be advising on and assisting with grant funding application and business development.”

He indicated that he “was greatly impressed by the caliber, commitment and vision of the shareholders and the senior team at Dryad Maritime when considering this appointment. It was obvious that this is a company that knows where it wants to go and has the skills and ability to get there. It will be a pleasure to help them on their way and hopefully, coupled with my experience, we can make the path a little bit smoother and easier”.

Graeme Gibbon Brooks, Dryad’s Managing Director, welcomed Askaroff, indicating his experience comes to the company at an “exciting time,” due to the “growth we are experiencing, the natural choice for us was to appoint a Chairman with such a strong commercial pedigree as Nik.”

Dryad Maritime’s bulletin pointed out that it “operates a 24/7/365 Maritime Operations Center manned by maritime intelligence specialists and field experts. In 2014, Dryad will be expanding its operation to include new services that not only complement their intelligence portfolio but also a new range of services that are designed to assist with maritime operations in a broader capacity.”

Source: Dryad Maritime