Allied World Bermuda Launches the Thirty2°/Sixty4 Suite

Allied World Assurance Company Holdings, AG announced the launch of a Bermuda’s “Thirty2°/Sixty4°” suite that addresses a wide range of liability exposures currently facing corporations and their executives and employees.

The suite offers five primary coverage components: Directors & Officers Liability, Employment Practices Liability (EPL), Employed Lawyers Coverage, Fiduciary Liability, and Wage & Hour Coverage. Clients have the ability to purchase the entire package or combine only the specific components they need, with the option to choose separate or shared limits, according to the company.

Sr. V.P. Ed Moresco, Bermuda and International Professional Liability Product Line Manager, said the product fills a void in the Bermuda market, allowing clients to combine a number of management liability coverages into a single primary policy, with customized limits and retentions.

Source: Allied World Assurance Company Holdings