Global Insured Cat Losses in First Half Are Below Long-Term Average: Munich Re

Overall losses and insured losses from natural catastrophes during the first half of 2015 were below long-term average values, according to a review of global natural catastrophes issued by Munich Re.

Total natural catastrophe losses incurred in the first half of 2015 were US$35 billion, whereas the average value for the last 30 years is approximately US$64 billion, when adjusted for inflation. Insured losses for this year so far have been US$12 billion, compared with a long-term average of US$15 billion, Munich Re said.

During the first six months of 2015, more than 16,000 people died in earthquakes and severe weather events, the review said. It noted that two of these events, the earthquakes in Nepal and the heatwave in India and Pakistan, killed some 12,000 people.

By the end of June, the number of people who lost their lives in natural catastrophes was much greater than in the previous year (2,800), but also far lower than the average for the past 30 years (27,000), the Munich Re report said.

“The natural catastrophes in the first half of the year show us once again that vulnerability to natural catastrophes needs to be reduced, particularly in emerging and developing countries,” said Torsten Jeworrek, Munich Re board member with responsibility for global reinsurance business. “This is necessary first of all to ensure people are better protected, but also to keep losses as low as possible.”

Munich Re provided a summary of the main global catastrophes that occurred in the first half:

El Niño Southern Oscillation

The development of many weather-related events this year is consistent with the current form of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), in the Pacific, which influences various weather extremes in many parts of the world, Munich Re said in its review. The moderate to strong El Niño conditions are leading to severe and more frequent thunderstorms with tornadoes in the southern U.S. In addition, very strong tropical cyclones in the Pacific occur more frequently with these conditions, whereas the development of hurricanes in the North Atlantic tends to diminish.

The already intense El Niño phase is expected to become even stronger in the autumn, and will likely abate at the beginning of next year, the report said. The stronger an El Niño is, the more likely it is that the ENSO oscillation will switch to a La Niña phase in the following year. The influences on the different weather extremes then tend to be reversed.

“So the trends for 2015, with a large number of severe weather events in the south of the USA, and little hurricane activity in the North Atlantic so far, could therefore be expected,” explained Peter Höppe, head of Geo Risks Research at Munich Re. “Likewise, the severity of the heatwave in India and Pakistan was probably partially influenced by the El Niño conditions.”

However, warned against sounding the all-clear for the 2015 hurricane season. Hurricane Andrew, for example, struck in 1992 in what had been a generally very quiet season, yet it was one of the most severe tropical cyclones ever recorded. With overall losses of US$26.5 billion, of which US$17 billion was insured, Andrew remains the fourth costliest storm in history, even adjusted for inflation.

“The El Niño phase has an influence on hurricane activity, but not on whether and where a storm makes landfall. So if a severe storm should develop and hit a conurbation, losses of an equal magnitude are possible,” said Höppe.

Source: Munich Re