JLT Australia Deploys NetSuite Cloud Solution to Run Entire Business Life Cycle

Jardine Lloyd Thompson (JLT) Australia, a subsidiary of the London-based insurance, reinsurance and employee benefits firm, has deployed NetSuite OpenAir cloud professional services automation (PSA) solution to run the entire business life cycle of its consulting practice, according to a statement issued by NetSuite.

NetSuite’s PSA solution handles JLT’s activities ranging from project management, resource management, time-and-expense management, to project accounting.

JLT Australia replaced six disparate Microsoft Access and Excel databases with a single unified solution from NetSuite OpenAir, providing more than 150 project managers and consultants – located in more than 20 offices around the country and engaged in hundreds of projects at any given time – with real-time visibility and anytime, anywhere access to the tools and information they need, according to NetSuite.

Since making the switch in 2011, JLT Australia has seen increased productivity, reduced operational costs and dramatically improved operational efficiency, the announcement said.

Along with traditional insurance products, Sydney-based JLT Australia offers insurance-related risk management, health and safety, rehabilitation and injury management, business continuity and loss adjustment services to public and private sector organizations.

As its practice grew, JLT Australia was struggling to manage complex information on projects, clients and personnel in disparate Microsoft Access and Excel databases, NetSuite said.

Lack of visibility into key business information complicated pricing decisions and forced the company into guesswork regarding decision-making and future planning, the PSA provider said. In addition, ad hoc processes and multiple systems resulted in inefficiencies in time-and-expense reporting and costly manual work for consultants and administrative personnel, without a systematic way to manage the complex services business.

In 2010, JLT Australia identified PSA technology as an ideal solution to overcome its challenges. After reviewing several solutions in the market, JLT Australia selected NetSuite OpenAir for the platform’s ability to introduce visibility and efficiency across its entire services lifecycle, from project bid to bill, NetSuite said.

“NetSuite OpenAir has given us a lot more transparency and enabled us to engage with clients in a more structured way in terms of milestones, project and resource management, while capturing the time-and-expense we incur,” said Clinton Wright, national operations manager for JLT Australia.

NetSuite said it provides JLT Australia with key features and benefits including:

“We’re now making decisions with timely and accurate information, whereas in the past we had to make decisions with guesswork in the first instance, or it took too long to get the information we needed,” said Wright.

According to Mark Troselj, vice president and general manager for ANZ at NetSuite, “Cloud PSA technology is relatively new to the Australian market, with JLT Australia being an enthusiastic, early adopter. NetSuite OpenAir is designed specifically for professional services companies to enable their consultants to access the full functionality of the solution, whether they are out in the field or anywhere in the world. Not only can companies manage their full project lifecycle in real-time, but they gain complete business visibility that can only be achieved using the cloud.”

Source: NetSuite Inc.