TigerRisk Enters China Market with Opening of Hong Kong Office

TigerRisk Partners LLC announced its first presence in Asia with the opening of the Hong Kong office of its subsidiary TigerRisk China Partners. TigerRisk China Partners is a member of the Hong Kong Confederation of Insurance Brokers, effective July 30.

TigerRisk Partners is a U.S.-based reinsurance, capital management and strategic adviser created in 2008. In April of this year, the firm added investment banking, M&A and capital markets advisory expertise, with the creation of TigerRisk Capital Markets & Advisory. TigerRisk is based in Stamford, Conn., with offices in New York, London, Minneapolis, Chicago, Raleigh, Dallas, Bermuda and now Hong Kong.

“The 21st century belongs to Asia in terms of economic development. The most powerful engine of that development is China. That is why we elected to start our Asian presence here,” said Rod Fox, CEO of TigerRisk.

“We want to be an important participant in the development of the Chinese insurance market. We will do so by bringing the analytic, technical, product development and advisory skills we have developed in North America and Europe,” said TigerRisk President Tony Ursano. “We are delighted with the highly qualified and experienced team we have been able to attract to join us in Hong Kong.”

TigerRisk’s team in Hong Kong will be led by Dr. Houqin Zhu, an experienced veteran of the insurance and reinsurance business. Zhu began his career with one of the prominent insurance groups in China as a reinsurance buyer. He subsequently moved to Singapore as a treaty underwriter for American Re and QBE Re. After several years of underwriting, he switched his career focus to become a professional reinsurance broker and led Willis Re’s China operation.

Zhu will be supported by a team of experienced professionals including Michael Fung and Raymond Chen. This team will receive the full support of the analytic, technical and capital markets advisory resources resident in TigerRisk’s U.S., London and Bermuda offices.

“China and the United States share a great number of common challenges in measuring and protecting capital from the risk of natural peril catastrophe,” said Zhu. “TigerRisk is excited to share and introduce our innovative approaches about measuring, controlling and mitigating catastrophe risk and spreading those risks globally.”

Source: TigerRisk Partners