Lloyd’s Names Swiss Re’s Kelly as Singapore Country Manager

Lloyd’s has appointed Angela Kelly as Lloyd’s country manager, Singapore, and CEO of Lloyd’s of London (Asia) Pte. Ltd.

Kelly joins Lloyd’s from Swiss Re where she was chief executive officer of Swiss Re International SE Singapore Branch and head of Casualty for Swiss Re Corporate Solutions, Asia Pacific.

“I am delighted to welcome Angela to Lloyd’s. She brings over 25 years of experience in the reinsurance and insurance industry in numerous leadership and technical roles, and her ability to lead high performing and collaborative teams will be an asset to the Lloyd’s market,” said Kent Chaplin, chief executive officer, Lloyd’s Asia Pacific.

“This role supports Lloyd’s Vision 2025 growth priorities in this region and will lead and coordinate the activities of the strong market development and regulatory and compliance teams who support and oversee the Lloyd’s marketplace in Singapore,” Chaplin continued.

“Singapore is an incredibly successful underwriting marketplace for Lloyd’s with over 200 underwriters representing 23 syndicates. Premium income has tripled since 2009 to reach US$680m in 2015 and Lloyd’s is the largest provider of offshore reinsurance in the Singapore market today,” he noted.

Angela is based at Lloyd’s regional offices in CapitaGreen, Singapore.

Source: Lloyd’s