Siccardi Appointed Chief Operating Officer of Aon Benfield UK

Leonora Siccardi has been appointed chief operating officer of Aon Benfield UK, reporting to Nick Frankland, UK CEO of Aon Benfield, and Maggie Westdale, CFO of Aon Benfield.

Siccardi will oversee the strategy, leadership, development and execution of policy and practice in all operational areas of the UK business. She will be specifically tasked to build a platform for the firm’s continuous growth and improvement, said Aon Benfield in a statement.

Leonora Siccardi

She will be a member of the UK executive leadership team and will work across Aon Benfield UK and its support functions.

This new role is in addition to Siccardi’s other responsibilities, including the EMEA & UK head of Client Services. Appointed to this position in 2017, Siccardi will continue to fulfill this role while reporting to Westdale, Richard Posgate (co-CEO of Aon Benfield EMEA) and Frankland.

Siccardi joined Aon in 2006 and has held a range of positions across the firm. She was appointed UK head of Client Services in 2016, having joined Aon Benfield from Aon Risk Solutions, where she served as head of Claims Advocacy since June 2014, with responsibility for the development and delivery of a claims strategy for the Global Broking Centre in London.

She graduated in law from the University of Genoa and has a master’s degree in risk management from the Bocconi Business School in Milan.

“Leonora’s experience in successfully leading client services businesses in both Aon Risk Services and Aon Benfield will be of tremendous value in her new position…,” said Frankland. “Her understanding of the interaction and synergy between the front and back ends of our operating model will be invaluable in improving both our internal efficiency and the overall client experience.”