XL Catlin Launches Injury, Security Coverage for Visitor Attractions in UK, Ireland

XL Catlin has launched Leisure Protect – an insurance package aimed at the mid to large visitor attraction sector. The coverage offers assistance as a result of a catastrophic injury and against a range of security threats.

The new product is designed to be a comprehensive insurance package for the attractions sector. Initially available in the UK and Ireland, Leisure Protect comes with location limits of up to $25 million for bodily injury, property damage and business interruption resulting from a range of catastrophic events including security-related threats, from workplace violence to terrorism.

The product also delivers 24/7 expert crisis response support – provided by business communications consultancy, Instinctif Partners – for the first 48 hours following an incident, as well as comprehensive business recovery assistance. Additional digital risk management software capability can also be provided in conjunction with Mobaro Park.

XL Catlin insurance companies offer property, casualty, professional, financial lines and specialty insurance products globally.