European Commission Proposes Motor Insurance Reforms

The European Commission has proposed a series of proposals to strengthen European Union rules on motor insurance including one to assure that victims of accidents receive full compensation even when an insurer is insolvent.

The revamped rules also seek to ensure that those who have a previous claims history in another EU member state are treated equally to domestic policyholders, and potentially benefit from better insurance conditions.

The proposal to amend the Motor Insurance Directive will also make it easier for authorities to combat uninsured driving. It aligns the minimum levels of cover by motor insurance across the EU.

Finally, it clarifies the scope of the Motor Insurance Directive following recent rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union.

Valdis Dombrovskis, vice president responsible for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union, called the changesgood news for those who move across the EU and for all of us as EU citizens.”

Jyrki Katainen, vice president responsible for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness, said the directive favors a smooth functioning of the single market for motor insurance for drivers and potential victims of motor vehicle accidents. “We facilitate mobility across the EU through portability of the claims history,” Katainen said. “Furthermore, we improve access to compensation of victims of motor accidents in case of insolvency of an insurer and reinforce combat against uninsured driving.

The commission is accepting comment for eight weeks from the May 24 date of releasing the proposal.

The commission is proposing the following changes:

The first EU Directive on motor insurance was adopted in 1972, protecting victims of motor vehicle accidents and facilitating the free movement of motor vehicles between member states. Subsequently, five motor insurance directives progressively strengthened the protection of EU citizens. In 2009 those were consolidated into one EU Motor Insurance Directive.