Global Insured Catastrophe Losses Decline to $20 Billion in H1: Swiss Re

Global insured losses from natural catastrophes and man-made disasters during the first half of 2018 were US$20 billion, down from US$30 billion in H1 2017, according to Swiss Re Institute’s latest sigma study.

On the other hand, during the first six months, total global economic losses from disasters were US$36 billion, significantly down from US$64 billion in H1 2017 and well below the 10-year average of US$125 billion, the sigma report said.

Breaking down the figures into natural catastrophe losses versus man-made disasters, the report revealed that global insured losses from natural catastrophes fell to US$18 billion, from US$25 billion the year before, while insured losses from man-made disasters decreased to US$2 billion from US$5 billion in the first half of 2017.

Of the US$36 billion in total global economic losses, natural catastrophes in H1 2018 accounted for the majority, or US$34 billion, compared to US$58 billion in H1 2017. The remaining US$2 billion of losses were caused by man-made disasters.

Nearly 56 percent of all global economic losses were insured as most disastrous events occurred in areas with high insurance penetration.

Other findings from the report include:

“We expect to see more extreme weather conditions such as intense heatwaves and dry spells of the like we’ve seen over the last few weeks. This may well become the new normal,” said Martin Bertogg, head of Catastrophe Perils at Swiss Re.

“According to scientific climate models, temperature, and atmospheric humidity will increase in many parts of the world, and at the same time also become more volatile.” Bertogg added.

“We will experience more variable rain patterns and severe droughts and in consequence raging wildfires,” he said. “Accelerating urbanization and the ongoing expansion of dwellings in natural forest areas will considerably exacerbate this loss potential. Society will need to adapt and prepare for these increasing occurrences.”

Source: Swiss Re Institute