January’s U.S. Storms, Australia Floods Bring Economic Damages Near $2B: Aon

Multiple winter storms and extreme cold led to 45 deaths and cost the U.S. economy $1 billion during January, according to Aon’s Global Catastrophe Recap – January 2019.

The report listed the winter storm events in the U.S. during the month:

Other global natural disaster events during the month included:

Michal Lörinc, catastrophe analyst at Aon’s Impact Forecasting, commented: “While there was much focus on multiple winter storms and extreme cold via the Polar Vortex in the United States, it allowed an opportunity to remind that weather is local. Australia, for example, experienced the opposite in the form of record-breaking heat. In fact, January 2019 was proclaimed the hottest month on record for the country. Shifts in the behavior of the jet stream and other synoptic features can lead to more unusual and extreme weather phenomena.”

Source: Aon’s Impact Forecasting


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