Mo. Commish to Examine Need for Med Mal JUA

Missouri Director of Insurance Scott Lakin will hold a public hearing on whether the need exists for a state-sponsored medical malpractice insurance program at 10:30 a.m., Friday, July 11 in Room 492 of the Truman State Office Building, Jefferson City.

If medical malpractice coverage is not “reasonably available,” state law authorizes Lakin to set up a joint underwriting association to issue policies for health-care providers.

Those who wish to speak at the July 11 hearing are asked to contact Maria Cauwenbergh on the MDI staff at 573-526-3587 or at by July 9. Because of time constraints, MDI is giving preference to official representatives of professional medical, insurance trade and consumer groups.

Speakers are asked to limit their remarks to 1) the availability of malpractice insurance, particularly during the June renewal cycle; and 2) the need for establishing a JUA, including any special considerations needed in operating such a venture.

MDI will post a tentative schedule of hearing speakers on its Web site on July 10.
Lakin said he expects to close the formal record on testimony at the conclusion of the hearing.

If parties cannot attend and want to submit written comments, they may do so through the “Public Portal” on MDI’s Web site or by mailing them so they arrive before the deadline to Property & Casualty Section, Missouri Department of Insurance, P.O. Box 690, Jefferson City, Mo., 65102-0690.