Wis. Markel American Adds Business Director, Marketing Associate

Markel Amerincan Insurnace Company (MAIC) iannouned recently that Nancy Kane has been named to the newly-created position of business development director and Kevin Behringer is a new marketing associate.

Kane comes to MAIC with more than 20 years of marketing experience. Most recently she served as senior marketing manager for Brady Corp., where she was responsible for industry and product marketing. She has also held positions as vice president of marketing for TCF National Bank Wisconsin, director of marketing for Mueller & Sebena, S.C., and director of marketing communications for Alverno College.

Behringer comes from Environmental Management Consulting in Lake Mills, Wis., where he headed the marketing department. Before working for EMC, he worked at Minacs, also located in Wisconsin, working on direct mailings and account management. In his new role, Kevin will be working on managing MAIC’s public website and online experience and he will be heading up the public relations effort.

A subsidiary of the Markel Corp., Markel American Insurance Co. specializes in the lines of powersport products, specialty marine, preferred yacht and small boat, and specialty property.

Source: Markel American Insurance Co.