Kan. Governor Sebelius Touts Rolling Stones; Spars with Opponent on Issues

Given the chance during a debate this week to say why tourists should choose Kansas, Gov. Kathleen Sebelius mentioned the Kansas Speedway and the Rolling Stones.

It was a lighthearted moment in a debate in which the Democratic governor and Republican challenger Jim Barnett mainly reminded voters of their positions on issues such as health care, education spending and the economy.

The governor and former insurance commissioner noted she spent the weekend watching NASCAR races in Kansas City, then went to Wichita for the Stones concert.

“For aging rockers like myself, that’s available,” Sebelius said, also mentioning the state’s good beef and country music as attractions.

For his part, Barnett touted the scenery of the Flint Hills, “the most beautiful area, I believe in this nation.”

“The people, as well, are second to none in this nation,” Barnett said. “We welcome you to come and bring your friends and make this your home, as well.”