Rate Reductions Approved in Midwest for MiniCo Self-Storage Program

Mike Schofield, president of Phoenix, Ariz.-based MiniCo Insurance, recently announced that the company has received approval for rate reductions in seven states for self-storage risks eligible for the MiniCo self-storage specialty insurance program. The seven states are Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, and Wisconsin.

“This is a great opportunity for agents in these states to pursue this growing market,” commented Schofield.

Effective immediately, agents are encouraged to submit applications for self-storage risks in these states. The approved rate reductions may result in lower premiums; however, each submission will be evaluated by MiniCo’s underwriters on its individual characteristics.
Agents that have an interest in obtaining a quote on a self-storage risk in one of these above-listed states should visit www.MinicoInsurance.com and complete or obtain an application. Agents with questions about an account may contact Market Development Manager Merle Harris at mharris@minico.com or (800) 528-1056.

Phoenix-based MiniCo, Inc. identifies itself as a self-storage leader providing superior specialty insurance programs, informative publications and valuable products and services created expressly for the self storage industry.

Source: MiniCo, Inc.