Christian Group Sues Michigan City, Muslims Over Event

May 2, 2012

  • May 2, 2012 at 1:47 pm
    David says:
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    CAIR was an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terror-financing case. Don’t believe a word that they say.

  • May 2, 2012 at 2:10 pm
    Free Speaker says:
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    Sharia law has no place in our U.S. Court rooms. Sharia law is used to permit men to to kill a daughter, force all women to hide behind burkas, forbid women to drive a car or be seen outside the home without a male relative, cut off the heads of non-believers (i.e. non-Muslims) and more. Sharia law is anti-American. Support the passage of House Bill 4769 in Michigan and similar laws to support the current law of our land, the U.S. Constitution.

    • May 3, 2012 at 4:27 pm
      JS says:
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      Every religious scripture can be twisted to justify any atrocity. Muslims don’t have a monopoly on fundamentalist extremists bastardizing a good book to justify the evil things they do. And to condemn an entire religion because of the actions of a few is wrong.

      You’re right. Sharia has no place in US court rooms. No religious or foreign laws should be in our court rooms.

      However, Sharia *isn’t* being used in our court rooms. We have about as much to fear from Sharia as we do Pope trying to take over our court system. It ain’t going to happen. Making anti-Sharia laws only exposes the bigotry of the people who write and vote for them.

      • May 8, 2012 at 2:15 pm
        Vespo says:
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        JS – there have been 39 cases+ where Sharia Law was used in American court decisions. the most notable was the Rape case in New Jersey. Soon to be ex-wife was raped and imprisoned by her muslim estranged husband. He stated in court it was his “religious” belief that he could have sex with his wife at any time and any where. Judge ruled in his favor based on the quran and dismissed the case. It was appealed to hire court and they overturned the decision. In Tampa an eminent domain case was overseen by an American judge that decided the case based on Sharia Law. JS it is happening in America right now. Islam is pushing for a United Kingdom style of courts. As long as U.S. judges continue to blatently disregard Article VI Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution, islam will get more aggressive in America.

  • May 2, 2012 at 2:40 pm
    GETREAL says:
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    CAIR’s actions and outrage speak of Islam as not being a peaceful religion. Had this been in an Islamic country, Saleem would have had his head cut off or the church bombed with everyone in it. You don’t read about groups of radical Christians persecuting, bombing, and killing believers of Islam. Allegan City Manager Rob Hillard is wimp, and others like him…they fear the death tactics of radical Islamic belief & resultantly choose that side, not b/c they are in the right, only b/c they fear for their lives. This goes beyond free speech. Hillard’s actions and those like his support exactly what Shariah law wishes to impose. They’ve essentially enacted it.

    • May 2, 2012 at 3:59 pm
      MsB says:
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      “…they fear the death tactics of radical Islamic belief & resultantly choose that side, not b/c they are in the right, only b/c they fear for their lives.” Wow. And here I was thinking that Insurance Journal of all places might actually remain free of the ignorant, blatantly anti-Muslim rhetoric.

      “Hillard’s actions and those like his support exactly what Shariah law wishes to impose. They’ve essentially enacted it” Really??? Because city officials caved to an advocacy group, Sharia Law has been enacted? I’m not saying that the officials were right to cancel – they weren’t. But seriously??? Does this mean that if a different city official caves to a Christian advocacy group’s protest about something, that means “Christian Law” has been enacted? No. It just means the city official is weak and made a bad decision. It doesn’t mean we’re all going to be subjugated to another religion’s ‘laws.’

      Sharia Law, just like any other religious law/scripture/teaching can be twisted by radicals into something ugly. But practiced/followed by peaceful, everyday Muslims, it’s no more a threat to Americans than Christianity’s Ten Commandments is. Unfortunately, the ‘threat’ of it is now being used by other radicals to create yet another boogeyman, and stir up more hate against Muslims. It’s got nothing to do with any actual danger. This is just socially acceptable, and encouraged Islamaphobia.

    • May 6, 2012 at 10:27 pm
      Beth MacDonald says:
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      What I don’t like is the fact that there ARE Christian extremists and radicals whom have bombs and threats and also treat women as objects. You say you don’t read about Christians doing this to Islamists, but that’s because they have with many others. Does that mean we douse out Christianity overall? Then why are we trying to do that woth Islamists? Timothy McVeigh was in a twisted Christian group. Check out Arizona that had a neo_Nazi in office and had contacts in the White House! You think hatred doesn’t spread itself like a disease, it already has spread into our politics, message boards, TV and Internet. We all should listen to ourselves before fanning fires. This nastiness all around would be stopped if each one of us could contain ourselves long enough. Being part of the solution on anything means steering yourself away from negativism. It is negativism that has brought out the ugly in people and are abusing freedom of speech. So, if Christiaity doesn’t have any “sharia laws”of their own, might we “practice what we preach”? No! That would be twisted into a terrorist act I suppose. (Shreik! Shh! Don’t give them any ideas!)

      • May 7, 2012 at 2:03 pm
        Vespo says:
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        Actually Beth, Timothy McVeigh was not in a twisted Christian Group. That is factually incorrect. I hear that analogy a lot in trying to draw an anology with religious zeoltry and it’s myth. If anything, I’ve interviewed a woman, an American woman, who was married to a muslim male who has stated her husband left (fled) Oklahoma City the afternoon of the McVeigh bombing and she has not heard from him since. She believes he was involved with the OKC bombing. As for islam, they enjoy this type of division, because it allows them to play the victim card, hiding behind “Freedom of Religion”, which they also interpret as the ability to apply Sharia Law in America, like they have done so well in the United Kingdom. October 2010 islam was appeased with 3 Sharia courts. Today that number is over 130 Sharia courts in United Kingdom.

  • May 2, 2012 at 3:09 pm
    Did I read that right? says:
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    One advocacy group is suing another advocay group because an event was cancelled therefore not allowing someone’s extremist views to be imposed on unwilling participants?

    • May 3, 2012 at 10:57 am
      No, you didn't says:
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      “A group that brought Saleem to Michigan for the speech had been given *earlier approval* to use a room in the high school **after school hours.**”

      No one would have been forced to attend. Truth 1, Blind Hate 0.

  • May 3, 2012 at 10:10 am
    Donald Buckley says:
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    Islam means “to submit.” Islamists get many to submit by threatening to kill them. Apparently it worked in this situation. The best way to handle these cowards is to stand up to them at every opportunity.

    • May 7, 2012 at 10:46 am
      Vespo says:
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      Donald, you are correct – Islam means “submissions”. They don’t want that to get out.

      • May 8, 2012 at 10:27 am
        Not Quite says:
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        If you’re going to give a definition of a religion, at least try to give the entire definition and not just cherry pick the most inflammatory part.

        Per “A monotheistic religion characterized by the acceptance of the doctrine of submission to God and to Muhammad as the chief and last prophet of God.”

        Submission to God – as in THEY submit to God. NOT submission in general.

        • May 14, 2012 at 2:40 pm
          Vespo says:
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          Thanks for clearing up that islam means “Submission”.

  • May 3, 2012 at 12:37 pm
    jim says:
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    Since when is any group connected to any religion allowed to use public property? I thought we were guaranteed freedom from religion. (sarcasm)

  • May 3, 2012 at 12:40 pm
    UCT says:
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    Let’s be honest. The Muslim religion is all about dominance and forcing people into submission. It is NOT the religion of peace. Read the Quran and you will find it clearly states to kill all infidels. That would be anyone who isn’t a Muslim.

    As far as I am concerned, Muslims should be sent packing. Their “religion of peace” killed thousands of lives just over a decade ago. They should be plucked from our society the way a weed is from a beautiful lawn. Just as one weed leads to many many more, the Muslim religion is the same way. Do your homework. Minnesota’s politicians are mostly Muslim. How long before your city/state is the same way? How long until Sharia Law is forced on us? A decade ago you would have it could never happen in the USA. The now rule MN and the White House. You are next.

    • May 3, 2012 at 1:03 pm
      Not a Muslim But Still Disgusted says:
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      Why don’t you try turn off Fox and actually learn something about the religion you are blindly preaching hate about. Right now, you just sound like one big paranoid, racist talking point.

      • May 3, 2012 at 3:08 pm
        Afraid to disclosure says:
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        Why don’t you turn off MSNBC, CNN et al and learn the truth about Islam. It is not a religion. It is a political “party” that is at war against the West. Right now I am listening to a interview on the radio “marked for death”. by a Dutch MP that has death threats for talking against the “peaceful religion”, and you call us “paranoid” WE WILL NOT SUBMIT WITHOUT A FIGHT!

        • May 4, 2012 at 4:12 pm
          Still Not a Muslim and STILL Disgusted says:
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          Islam is not a political party any more than Christianity on it’s own is a political party. There is no questioning that it has been co-opted in parts of the middle east by religious fanatics such as the Taliban and Muslim Brotherhood. But to say that it is solely a political party would be like saying that Christianity is a political party because the Christian right co-opted the Tea Party and GOP in the US. It doesn’t make either religion less of a religion. It doesn’t mean that the entire religion has been corrupted. It just means that the people in those parties strongly follow their respective religions and try to rule according to their beliefs.

          And yes, I called you paranoid and will continue to do so. I will also add ignorant and ridiculous. To blindly fear and hate an entire group of people due to the actions of few and scream about never submitting to them, is absolutely absurd. Especially when only .6% of the people in this country even subscribe to the religion you are so terrified of.

          Somehow, I don’t think that .6% will be able to make the 99.4% Christian/Jewish/other submit to anything. But you keep on railing about the evil Muslim threat. People like you obviously need SOMETHING to hate.

          • May 15, 2012 at 4:30 pm
            Vespo says:
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            Hey Still, Have you read the quran lately? Islam has not just been co-opted by the Taliban or Muslim Brotherhood (the same Muslim Brotherhood that has infiltrated the White House, Defense Dept and Homeland Security). The quran is quite clear from Chapter 1 and on. Islam is a political ideology masquerading as a religion. And taking advantage of the religious freedoms in the Western Democracies, like America. Don’t be fooled with all this political correctness or multi-culturalism or “diversity” indoctrination. The quran is islams constitution.

      • May 10, 2012 at 4:22 pm
        Rex says:
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        Hate? Moslems migrate to western nations setting up their mosques, while Christian churches in Moslem nations are being burned to the ground. Christians cannot even live in Moslem nations without being persecuted.

    • May 3, 2012 at 1:22 pm
      youngin' says:
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      Obvious troll is obvious.

    • May 3, 2012 at 3:21 pm
      JRHowosso says:
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      Being as I am not on either side…….. open your history book UTC and take a count on how many lives the “Christians” were responsible for over the ages……………. So we will have to come up with a better excuse than “they are not peaceful”

      • May 3, 2012 at 5:09 pm
        Maybe so, JRH says:
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        I thought the “Christians” stopped taking lives hundreds of years ago. Seems like the Muslims are still at it.

      • May 8, 2012 at 2:26 pm
        Vespo says:
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        JR, you are probably referring to the Crusades. Since you are like most who don’t know your history, “Christians” responded because of the muslim conquest throughout Asia and Europe. King Frederick II fought and pushed the muslim conquest out of Cordoba, Spain a Christian Holy site prior to muslim conquest in 935ad. It took 300 years but King Frederick II was successful in ridding islam out of Spain. Ooh Cordoba, where have we heard that lately? The Ground Zero Mosque project was first named the Cordoba Initiative, after their Spanish Conquest taking over Cordoba Spain from the Christians. Just connect the dots, islam does things for a reason. Christianity did things for a reason from 1200 to 1400 ad to fight back from the oppressive, totalitarianism of islam.

  • May 3, 2012 at 2:13 pm
    TROP_GoogleFor_It says:
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    You sound like it is you who need to read the quran and the hadiths and the suras and educate yourself about the so called peaceful religion that is wreaking death misery and havoc where ever it raises its ugly head

  • May 3, 2012 at 4:39 pm
    Rex says:
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    Moslem radicals take part in beheading of Christians just like the prophet John predicted in Revelation 20:4. What a peaceful religion.

  • May 3, 2012 at 8:24 pm
    Rick says:
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    I don’t have all the information but based soley on what I have read here, it seems clear that they have a right to assembly, and freedom of speech. It should also be pointed out that any law passed in that state that says they have no right to say something that they believe in their religous faith to be true is a law that is unconstitutional. Article 1 to the constitution says that –
    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Simply because they think that something being said is wrong, does not mean that they have the right to stop them from saying it.

  • May 3, 2012 at 8:40 pm
    Rick says:
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    JR Howosso, Sounds like it is time for you to read and think about the constitution and bill of rights. Decide if your someone who believes that God created man in his own image and thus endowed him with certain unailinable rights. If you don’t think that is true then in my opinion you are siding with those who break the laws of our Nation and the intent of the law as well.
    Those people often attempt to shut up or prosecute those of us who love our right to express ourselves and have fought to defend it. If however you read it and find that those rights are important and worth defending then you need to get up and take a stand for what you believe. There is NO middle ground here. You have to defend it or likely lose it. I want my daughter to
    grow up in a country that defends peoples right to believe in any religion that they choose. That by it’s vary nature will cause devisions amoung the people. Those differences are to be charished, not avoided. We could not have had people standing up during world war II against the Nazi’s or against Japan and say what they believe in if they were going to be tossed in jail.
    Otherwise the U.S. and Great Britton would have never fought the fight to begin with. What a great loss that would have been had those voices been silenced.

    • May 4, 2012 at 3:15 pm
      J.S. says:
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      Wow. Your first statement states clearly that since I am an athiest, I therefore side with those who break the laws of our Nation and the intent of the law as well. I find this statement to be both rediculous and offensive. Please, tell me how my world view in any way leads to this conclusion.

      I strongly support free speech and the rights of all religious believers to publicly meet and express yourselves as you feel is appropriate. At the same time, I also strongly support the first amendment which prohibits the government from establishing a religion.

      You then go on to make other statements about how people like me try to shut up or prosecute those of you who love to express yourselves. That is utter poppycock. Do people who agree with me look to remove religious prayer from public schools. Of course we do. Imagine how you would feel if teachers preached to children about how there truly is no god and everything their parents and religious leaders tell them is false or if muslim, hindu, buddist, wicken or believers in other religions insisted on teaching their beliefs. We need to leave discussions of this sort to the parents and completely take it out of the public schools regardless of which belief is in the majority.

      Don’t confuse keeping government institutions out of the religion business with trying to shut down public expressions of faith. That is not and never has been an issue with the vast majority of people with my world view.

  • May 4, 2012 at 2:32 pm
    Kurt says:
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    A bit off topic, but I find it absolutely ludicris that muslims would presume to control non-muslims by threat of death for simply drawing a picture of Allah, or dog forbid they should harm a copy of the koran in anyway. I don’t blame them for not liking it anymore than christians like it when their religion is made fun of, but punishable by death? It’s fine if they don’t want to draw pictures, but to impose that on everyone else is just… well unaccepatable. Let true freedom reign!

  • May 7, 2012 at 10:44 am
    Vespo says:
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    This amounts to nothing more than intolerance by islam and the Muslim Brotherhood Front Groups, such as CAIR. CAIR’s co-founder Omar Ahmad said: “Islam is not in America to be equal to be become Dominate. The quran, muslim book of scripture, should be the HIGHEST Authority in America and Islam the only accepted religion on earth”.
    Ahmad’s statement does not sound like he’s attempting to assimilate into America’s society nor accept America’s Man Made Law? Article VI Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution is quite clear, the U.S. Constitution shall be the Supreme Law of the Land and judges shall be bound thereby. Sharia Law or U.N. laws are not binding. We all have heard and read there is a separation of Church and State in America and many lawsuits have made that clear. However, with Sharia Law there is no separation of Church and State. The Church is the State and the State is the Church. The quran is islams constitution, political and religious ideological foundation. Islam is using our Constitution to destroy the Constitution. Freedom of Speech works both ways but it did not in this Michigan case. The First Amendment does give all citizens the right to “Freely” practice their religion. But when the mindset and teachings are of domination, this shows there is no tolerance with islam. It’s only going to get worse in America if there is this mentality to coddle islam. And this is not “hate” this is protecting the very foundation of what this country was built upon and what we Americans have come to enjoy as freedom and liberty.

  • May 8, 2012 at 1:41 pm
    mle says:
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    CAIR needs to chill. How dare a muslim organization interfere with the US Constitutional rights and our American laws in the USA?

    If they don’t understand our way of doing things they need to be disbanded and not considered at all.

    CAIR is nervy and pushy.

    Can you imagine what muslims would do if we Americans went to their countries and demanded that they abide by our American laws?

  • May 10, 2012 at 2:22 pm
    dumbfounded says:
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    so how many of you readers are MUSLIM????? Seems like the posts revealing Muslims for the violent, low life they are are hidden due to reader response. Move back to the Middle East.

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