Ohio Took Enforcement Actions Against 167 Agents in 2012

Ohio Lieutenant Governor and Department of Insurance Director Mary Taylor announced the department’s top fraud and enforcement cases for 2012.

During the calendar year, the department processed 7,274 allegations of agent misconduct and insurance fraud, initiated 2,310 investigations, identified more than 700 civil and criminal violations of Ohio insurance law, took administrative action against 167 insurance agents and agencies, assessed $134,900 in fines and referred 71 individuals for prosecution.

The Department’s top statewide fraud and enforcement cases for 2012 are:



The Ohio Department of Insurance fraud unit investigates allegations of insurance fraud, such as the submission of false or inflated claims, and works with prosecutors to criminally prosecute those who commit fraud. The enforcement unit investigates allegations of unlicensed insurance activity as well as agent/agency misconduct.

Source: Ohio Department of Insurance